
1. 產值增加了35%。

威爾斯美語士林 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

怎麼談你的工作生涯呢?請你仔細讀以下這10句有關生涯的的句子,它們大部份是你已經認得的形容詞,但你過去不會這樣用。想一想你的career,是ups and downs?colorful?還是promising? 你期待怎麼樣的career? 還欠缺什麼?畫出一張你career的vocabulary tree,說給一個英文比你好的朋友聽。

  1. My career has had its ups and downs but I'm doing very well at the moment.
  2. Since I improved the level of my English, my career has blossomed.
  3. She's had a brilliant career with top jobs in several Wall Street firms.
  4. As an accountant, you won't have a very colorful career.
  5. He has had a very demanding career in finance with little time to spend with his family.
  6. I don't want to spend my entire career doing nothing but research.
  7. He has had a very modest career in our auditing office with no real successes or failures
  8. I seemed to have such a promising career when I was starting out but it has all gone badly wrong.
  9. We're looking for a candidate with a varied career as this job requires a range of skills.
  10. I don't seem to be having much of a flourishing career in this company. 


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威爾斯美語士林 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phases used in nearly every teleconference
1. Are we all on.  

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馬總統英文好得不得了,近日在媒體上常常情不自禁就蹦出幾句英文,看來可喜,大家英文學習對象又多一個。有個字總統既然都用了,請大家藉機也熟一下。他說:「這次國宴的食材方面,特別講究『食物里程』,就是『Food Mileage』。」Food mileage來自於Food miles
 Food miles is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its production until it reaches the consumer. 

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當初在選擇英文補習班的時候,威爾斯美語補習班櫃檯人員很親切真誠清楚的幫我分析我學英文的目標,又很有耐心的幫我規劃課程,讓我清楚的知道該怎麼把英文學好給好評價風評。所以我選擇了威爾斯美語。 威爾斯美語補習班的老師們實力都很猛,每個人的教學風格手法都不一樣,在威爾斯美語學美語我真的終於開口說英文了!而不是再躲在家裡或者廁所裡偷偷練習講How are you? I am fine,and you?這麼機械化的英文了! 不用爭議的我想我會推薦我自己的弟弟來威爾斯美語補習班因為他真的也想學英文喔!但是可能要等他當兵完再推薦他來了!


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說人笨一定會激怒人。特別在辦公室裡,小心為妙。英文裡有很多的euphemism(委婉說法),不必直接用 dumb,stupid。

"Not the brightest bulb"直譯 "並非最亮的燈泡 "。這句話就曾出現在電影《超人特攻隊》裡:Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb。

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我們有時會問人:你們辦公室裏誰説了算?也就是誰作最後决定。美國人經常説:call the shots。
Call the shots也就是作最後决定。Call the shots的原來意思是:軍官下令部隊開槍。但是現在call the shots已經在口語中常常出現。

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1. I will send you some brochures, if you are interested.
2. Can you suggest an alternative﹖
3. As an alternative, I wish to propose June 30rd.
4. If you are interested, we may consider selecting you as our partner.
5. I see. But aren't these prices for your domestic customers﹖
6.Yes, we take note of your comment. Prices depend also on volume. How much quantity do you forecast to sell in the first year﹖
7.Then, let us develop together a marketing plan with yearly forecasts of volume with pricing.


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雖然一路學英文可能有一、二十年,有時是錯了沒有人糾正,有時是拼拼淎揍也過得去,我們的英文永遠停留在"Survival English"的階段,於是遇到老外時,總要先告訴他:"My English is poor"! 這句話成了自己英文不好的最大藉口。試試看,再也不要說這句話,你的英文就要開始好。以下是survival English救不了的英文,每天多唸幾遍,很快會超越survival階段。

1. I will get around to finishing the project next week. (找時間做) 

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