好英文和破英文,差別在「英文腦」。看看自己能不能做到 眼睛看著中文,嘴巴同步說英文,就像打開工商時報,明明是中文,但你可以一面看,一面把它說成英文?有點難,但不要說不可能,關鍵在你有沒有一個「英文腦」。
- 有人問戴爾電腦的創辦人兼總裁麥克‧戴爾,競爭對手應該如何回應戴爾的業務策略時,他回答:“我們真得有這樣好嗎?”
In response to how the competitors reacted to Dell's business strategy, Michael Dell, the founding CEO remarked. "Are we really that good?"
- 在商業機構中,我們越來越容易遺忘重要的關係。而總是讓結構去主宰戰略,而無視於環境的變化。
Interestingly, when it comes to business organizations, we tend to forget about the most important relationships. We often let the structure dictate the strategyregardless of the changes in the business environment.
- 先發制人的道理,在戰場上最清楚不過,但商界人士經常忽略它。很多公司經常傾向於「跟隨」策略。
While proactiveness is well understood in military warfare, it tends to be easily over-looked in the context of business. More often than not, many companies tend to adopt a "follower" strategy.
- 你必須先確定你的公司要有多少收益,然後將你的策略鎖定在如何獲得這些收益上。
You have to determine how much revenue your business needs to make, and then focus your strategy on meeting those demands.
- 要注意你的商業形象,實行消費者保護措施並提前發現你策略上可能出現的問題。
By being aware of your business’s image, practicing consumerism and looking for signs of problems with your strategy?