

  • He is bouncy."精力充沛"我們想當然而就是energy或energetic,老美比較常用:"He is bouncy."另一個久仰,用"I get mind of you"比"I heard a lot about you."簡單又輕鬆得多。 
  • Did you get lost? 有人開會遲到了,用"You are late.",聽起來好像是講一句廢話。講"Did you get lost?"有點像中文的,還找不到地方哪!但不要說成"get lost",因為這是叫人滾的意思。
  • You're in the pink! 紅光滿面,中文說人氣色好用「紅」,英文用「粉紅」。說人"You look fine!"也可以,若用"You're in the pink!"就妙得多了,顏色會讓形象更生動。 但不要用錯了,用成"in the red",就是出現赤字,the company is in the red,是指公司虧損當中。
  • Do you have the time? 別人問你的意見,能夠關個門、開個窗,你不想做,直接說"You can do that."就太白了,用一句"Do you have the time?"文雅得多。
  • I would rather not say. 總有一些問題是我們不想答的,如果有人問到你不想回答的問題,不要用"It's my secret, don't ask such a personal question."回答,原來沒什麼事,馬上就陷入僵局。用"I would rather not say.",相當於中文,就別問了吧!。 
  • It's on the tip of my tongue. 常常想說什麼,就是想不起來,你可以用"Well..."、"Let me see."、"Just a moment."或"It's on the tip of my tongue."等。前面幾個你都用過了,現在就用最後一個吧。
  • While I remember...談話時,從一個話題轉到另一個,我們比較熟悉的是"By the way",其實,"To change the subject"、"Before I forget"、"While I remember"、"Mind you"都是好用又道地的表達。 
  • "at the end of the day" 事情都講完了,所有的因素都考慮進去了,我們最常用的to sum up或after all。有一個很好用的成語,叫at the end of the day,意思是when all is taken into consideration(當一切都考慮進去時,即分析了各種可能性後得出結論)。像At the end of the day, it's his responsibility, and there's nothing you can do. 不管怎麼說,這是他的責任,你一點兒辦法也沒有。
  • "on top of that"也是老外的口頭禪之一。是"除了......之外(in addition to)"的意思,He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.(他丟了工作,更糟的是,連老婆也跑了。)




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