1. call in sick 請病假
He called in sick this morning.
2. breadwinner 養家活口的人、負擔生計的人(賺取麵包的人)
Her husband, Naphtali, had been a principal at a technical institute and was the family's breadwinner.
3. troubleshoot 解決問題
Like a CEO, our future president should understand that developing good judgment and encouraging it in others can make or break his or her future.
4. out of the loop 狀況外、與工作無關
The worst thing was that the front end of the customer service scheme was left completely out of the loop and couldn't get any info.
5. by the book 照章行事
I was one minute late to work and my supervisor reported me to the president of the company! I swear, he does everything by the book.
引用來源: http://www.core-corner.com/Web2/index.php?stat=EEC