
英國文法大師 Alexander L G寫過名作Advanced Grammar和New Concept English,他鼓勵學習英語的人多用片語動詞 (phrasal verb)。 他舉了一個很有趣的例子:你聽到有人敲門,你會不說"Enter",而是用:Come in 。 常看影集的人可能會用:Come on in 。說Come in 也好,Come on in 也好,二者都是片語動詞,也是英美兩國人脫口而出的常用語。 
美國人喜歡用"come on in",英國人用"come in"。Alexander是英國學者,所以他說:"有人敲門時,我們常說‘Come in'而不說‘enter'。" "come on in"是三字一體的片語,三字一體的片語動詞中,含"on"的相當多。

過去談過幾次片語動詞,但我們多半談兩個字組成的片語動詞,今天介紹給讀者的是含"on"的三字一體片語。每一個片語用一分鐘時間讀,讀過後,眼睛不看報紙,看看自己能不能把例句再說一遍,說出來,就過關了。 以下10句,只要10分鐘,你的片語起碼就過了第一關。

1. cash in on:謀取利益
"The shop be cash in on temporary shortage by raising price 商家趁一時缺貨而提高價格從中獲利."
2. zero in on:鎖定、對準目標
"The police have ZEROED IN ON the man they believe to be responsible for the murder."
3. clamp down on:施加壓力;取締
"The government has decided to clamp down on all forms of illegal gambling."
4. read up on:熟讀
  "You need to read up on all the traffic codes before you learn driving."
5. brush up on:復習
  "Before the examination, remember to sort out the lecture notes to brush up on all the important points."
6. check up on:檢查
  "The manager asked the secretary to check up on all the files before posting them."
7. come down on:堅决要求;處罰
  "The bank came down on its debtors for immediate payment."
8. get in on:分享;參與
  "The company tried to get in on our market."
9. cut down on:减少;削减
  "Companies started to cut down on their expenses during the economic downturn."
10. fall back on:求助於
  "He has spent all his savings and now has nothing to fall back on."



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