英文教學裡,有一方法,叫做"paraphrase",意思是「重新敘述」。我把它叫做,「找到另一種說法」,它是讓英文進步的利器。很多和老外上過一對一的人的說,他明明覺得自己的說法不夠道地,但外籍老師卻覺得OK,問題就出在「paraphrase」,假如你希望自己的表達更口語化,你要明明白白告訴老師,你不只要他correct mistakes,而是希望他進一步幫你paraphrase the sentence in more colloquial terms. 以下是10個例子:
- 我全力支持你。
原句: I will fully support you.
改述:I'll back you up all the way. - 不要來打擾我,可以嗎?
原句: Don't interrupt me.
改述:Why don't you get off my back? - 我累死了。
原句: I'm too tired.
改述:I'm beat. - 他這人很吃得開。
原句: He has good connections.
改述:He is a big-time operator. - 不要敷衍我。
原句: :Don't ignore what I said.
改述:Don't brush me off. - 我不相信你。
原句: :I don't believe you.
改述:I don't buy your story. - 他的話很有力量。
原句: He is very influential.
改述:His words carry a lot of weight. - 他想占我便宜。
原句: He is trying to take advantage from me.
改述:He is trying to cash in on me. - 這很合我胃口。
原句: :It's my favorite.
改述:It's my cup of tea. - 我有什麼好處?
原句: :What's my share?
改述:"What's my cut?"