很多人說不知道為什麼自己講英文總覺得拘謹。確實,我們不敢或不會像native speaker那樣自然地運用一些"出格"的詞來加強意趣。舉個例子,一些詞likewise(同樣地),otherwise(不然),clockwise(順時針方向的),它們都以"-wise"作字尾,似乎沒什麼特別的,可是,這個小小的詞綴到了老美口中,居然就"神"了。他們很靈活地用在像"strategywise"(從策略上說),"weatherwise"(就天氣而言),雖不正式但在活中卻屢見不鮮、生機勃勃。因此,有人開玩笑說 :
"I like this house locationwise, but rentwise it's beyond me."(這幢房子的地點我倒喜歡,但房租我付不起。)note: 你不用講那麼誇張,只要懂意思就好。
已故美國共和黨參議員Everett Dirksen有一次對記者說 :
"Timewise, I've reached the age of 70, but ideawise or outlookwise, I'm still 50 or less."
B:Do you think our products are competitive enough for an international market? 你認為我們的產品在國際市場上有競爭力嗎﹖
A:Pricewise yes, but in terms of service over a long period of time, I would say no. 就價格來說,是有的,但就長程服務來說,我認為沒有。
Career-wise, she is getting on well. (論事業,她進展順利。)
The plan is not quite feasible costwise.(論成本,這計劃不大可行。)
wise 這類用法很口語,要正式可以改成 (phrase) in terms of ,例如:
- The plan is not quite feasible in terms of costs.
- In career terms, she is getting on well.
Turn the lid anticlockwise to open it.(把蓋子朝反時針方向扭開。)
He walked soldier-wise.(他像走路像行軍。)這兩句還算正式。