「脆弱的力量」(The Power of Vulnerability)是TED網站上最受歡迎的演講之一,已超過一千萬人次觀看,並引起廣大的迴響。因為讓我們脆弱的,也讓我們偉大! 當我們不願面對自己脆弱難過的一面,實際上也阻礙我們感受喜悅、感受感激、感受幸福,換言之也埋沒了全部的感受。


1. Keep it together. 維持樂觀

Even though you should continue to keep an optimistic disposition, keeping it all together during trying times can hurt you. Crying is the body’s emotional response to outside triggers, good or bad. 雖然你應該保持樂觀,但在那些艱難的時候別強迫自己。哭是自然的情緒反應,不論對好事或壞事。

2. Connect with others 與他人連結

 “Happiness is only real when shared,” but with the new digital age, that may not always be the case. Sharing too much information can make the details of your life less special to the relationship. "只有分享能帶來幸福”,但在這個數位時代可能不是這麼一回事了。過度分享生活的細節會讓你與人的關係不那麼特別。

3. Try to ‘have it all.’ 面面俱到

You cannot have everything in life, but you can have what matters to you. 你不可能做好每件事,但是你可以做好對你重要的。

4. Not reflecting on the past. 不思考過去

Living in the past isn’t the key to optimal happiness, but indulging in the feeling of nostalgia can point you in the right direction. 活在過去不會讓你感到幸福,但適時的懷念過去會給你對的方向。


引用來源: http://www.core-corner.com/Web2/index.php?stat=EEC

    創作者 威爾斯美語士林 的頭像


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