這10句英文不是很好講,因為光從中文意思照翻英文,就不傳神。一般老外和你單獨溝通時,大概不會用這類句子,但如果和一群老外溝通,他們很習慣順口就是成語;搞不懂就會覺得自己被"left behind"。我們的建議是,你先不必特別背或記,別人講的時候你懂,就好了。
- Our teacher asked us to pair up. 我們老師要我們二人一組。
- The bus runs every hour on the hour. 公車每小時整點發車。
- That worker's not worth his salt. 那 個工人不稱職。
- She gave me the cold shoulder.? 她對我不理不睬。
- He was at his wits' end. 他已經無計可施。
- The negative comments that you made about her were out of line.你對她的負面評價真的很過分。
- When seeing the stylish suit, he bought it on the spot. 他一看到那套稱頭的西裝,便馬上買了下來。
- He was wet behind the ears.他太嫩了 。
- What are you driving at? 你到底想要說什麼?
- They couldn't make head or tail of it.他們搞不清楚那到底是怎麼一回事。
- Go for it. 加油