學了半輩子英文,到現還很多人以為學英文就是背單子、背句型、記文法、重複sentence pattern......把東西硬塞到腦袋裡去。這樣下去,讀和寫勉強湊合過去,speaking English──你下半輩子還得繼續和英文纏鬥。
我們今天來看四個動詞,四個表面上看來沒有關係的動詞:discuss, contact, approach,和 lack。這四個動詞其實沒什麼關係,但是今天把它們擺在一塊,是因為它們同屬老中最容易犯錯的英文,而且這種錯經常是不自覺的錯。英文中有許多這樣的動詞,這裡只是以這四個為代表。我們先看看怎麼個錯法。
She discussed about the balance sheet with her boss. (X )
She discussed the balance sheet with her boss. (O )
For more information, please contact with your local agent. (X )
For more information, please contact your local agent. (O )
He's approaching to 50. (X )
He's approaching50. (O )
He's good at his job but he seems to lack of confidence. (X )
He's good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. (O )
有沒有注意到,這四個字都是及物動詞,當動詞時不必再接介系詞。但我們為什麼容易搞錯呢?因為它們以名詞形式出現時 discussion, contact, approach, 和 lack 則都必須先接介系詞再接受詞。例如:
We had a discussion about our future plans last night. (我們昨晚討論了我們未來的計畫)
He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. (他試著與當地分部聯繫,但一直未成功)。
All approaches to the city were blocked. (所有到城裡的路都被封鎖了)
Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. (她的决定似乎顯示出缺乏政治判斷力。)
引用來源: http://www.core-corner.com/Web2/index.php?stat=EEC