蹩腳口語:The waitress judged us from heads to feet in two seconds.
道地口語:That waitress sized us up in two seconds.
size up這個片語意思是 form a judgment or opinion of sb/sth.
They sized each other up at their first meeting.他們初次見面時特地打量彼此一番。
商場上盱衡情勢,審時度勢,也可用size up。
Learning to size up business styles "will help you get what you want out of others," Lichtenberg says, whether it's a bonus, a promotion or a deal.
蹩腳口語:I have something to do tomorrow.
道地口語:I am tied up all day tomorrow.
這句話的意思是,明天我有事情要做。用I have something to do來表示很忙,這種說法怎麼聽都怪。因為每時每刻我們都有事情要做,躺著睡大覺也是事情。所以可以說我很忙,脫不開身:I'm tied up。還有其它的說法:I can't make it at that time. I'd love to, but I can't, I have to stay at home.