「片語動詞」,英文叫做phrasal verbs,像"go on"、"get up"、"come with"等都是。用中文邏輯講英文的人,多半不太會用片語用。因為人腦運作機制是在記憶資料庫裡直接找對應的單字。例如:想到「說服」,一定先想 到"persuade",而不是"talk into"。想到「責駡」,是想到reprimand或"reproach"而非"tell off",想到「弄熄」,是"extinguish",不是"put out"。
怎麼感覺呢?「片語動詞」怎麼用?簡單地說,它代表一種瞬間發生的動作(不是狀態):開燈(turn on)、關燈(turn off)、起飛(take off)、想起(think of).....都是「片語動詞」。
He shows the ability to adjust quickly to new situations. (show展現,是延續狀態)
I hope he shows up soon.(show up出現,是瞬間動作)
- We look forward to hearing from you soon. ( 我們期待很快聽到你的回覆。)
- Please, carry on talking. I didn't mean to interrupt you.(請繼續談話,我不是故意打擾的)
- I hope you two can work out your problems.(兩位好好解決你們的問題吧!)
- She came up with a great proposal for the new advertising campaign. (她提出很棒的廣告計劃案)
- Who is going to fill in while you're gone? (你請假時誰會是你的職務代理人?)
- It's difficult to get humor across in a second language. (用第二語言還能幽默溝通,是件難事。)
- I think we should go on with the meeting and stop wasting time. (我覺得我們應讓繼續開會,別再浪費時間)
- We're sorry that we'll have to turn down your offer. (很抱歉我們必須拒絕貴方的報價)
- Hurry up or you will fall behind! (快一點,否則要落後了。)
- Would you mind running off 10 copies of this document for me? (你可不可以幫將這份文件影印10份?)