- "We've got some breaking news for you tonight." (最新發展)
- "This just in. You are looking at obviously a very disturbing live shot there. (最新消息;插播一則新聞)
- " And thank you all for being with us. Tonight, an exclusive in our top story coverage -- for the first time, we're going to take you into Israel's top priority target......." (獨家頭條新聞)
- "Before we go in depth, though, here's where the crisis stands at this hour.
(深度報導) - " The exclusive interview continues on "LATE EDITION," (獨家訪問)
- "Our sources tell us that, in some cases, the hard drives of computers at Iraqi weapons facilities were replaced..." (消息來源指出....)
- "Stay tuned now for more news in the CNN "NEWSROOM." " (不要轉台,也可用keep watching We will keep watching this story)
- "Barbara Starr reporting live from the Pentagon this morning." (現場報導,也可說reporting live at the scene.)
- "Now, back to you, Marie." (還給主播)